A Joyful Mother of Children...Review

About the book:
This newly revised edition, which includes insight from thirty years of mothering, will add humor, perspective, and a little magic to the lives of mothers in all stages. A special section for mothers of young children offers stress reducers, suggestions, and motivational challenges that can make day-to-day mothering easier. Mothers of teenagers and those on the verge of being empty nesters will also find invaluable information about managing after the days of diaper duty and toddler temper tantrums have passed.

I loved this book. Honest and entertaining, but with a lot of great ideas for being a better mother. I've enjoyed the Eyre's books and this one is just a fun read. At the end, she includes 12 ways to reduce stress and actually become a joyful mother. Who doesn't want to be a happy mom, and who can't use practical ideas to help you along the way?

There are LDS (Mormon) references throughout, but you don't need to be LDS to appreciate it or learn from it. One of those books that is good to read over and over again. I think that you'd get different things from it depending on what stage of motherhood you happen to be living!

I read my personal copy, but you can purchase your own copy here.

Last read 05-06

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4/5 Stars
