Пятница Ponderings: Be kind. Love is a verb.

Ponder: to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate 
Пятница (PYAHT-nee-tsuh): Friday in Russian

I think I should write and then I don't. I think, "Who cares about what I have to say?" Do people even read blogs anymore? I don't do anything about advertising anymore or SEO or whatever the latest thing is. So if people read, they don't comment.

I used to read and review books. I don't do as much of that anymore. 

I do puzzles. I started doing puzzles during the early days of the pandemic. I've kept it up. I created an Instagram to share the puzzles I do and I've discovered the puzzling world. It's so cool. 

No judgments. No politics. No one cares that I am vaxxed and still wear a mask in the office. No one cares that I voted an almost all blue ticket in this election. Instead, we like each other's puzzles and compare notes and share favorite puzzle brands.

It's so refreshing.

I have read 4 books this year, which is fantastic, considering I read none, zero, zilch, for review last year. I stuck with old familiar favorites and fan fiction. I love a good Bucky fanfic any day.

I am still so tired. So very tired. Tired of politics. Tired of meanness. Tired of hate. Tired of selfishness. 

The last three years of this pandemic have shown me the best and worst of people. And because of the overturning of Roe V. Wade and the polarizing elections of the last 6 years, it hasn't gotten any better.

Our words are often mean and angry, especially on social media. Our judgments of each other have become harsh. Political leaders have made bullying and meanness acceptable, where it shouldn't be.

What are we coming to? What are we afraid of? 

And yet, I see kindnesses every day. I see people stepping up and helping one another. Letting a car merge, paying for the person behind them. Smiling. Sending a sweet text.

This week, a patient brought me the stuffed moose in the above picture. We named her Millicent Moose and she is sitting on our counter through Christmas. It was such a thoughtful gift and one that touched me greatly.

The holidays are here. So many people celebrating so many holidays. Whichever ones you do, take the time to consider what you can do for someone else. Can you leave an uplifting comment on a FB post? Can you just scroll past a post you disagree with instead of sounding off? Can you donate? Can you serve? Can you smile and show interest and listen? It doesn't take much to initiate a good ripple of kindness.

In this world of political upheaval and drama, kindness is ever so important. More kindness and love brings peace. And peace is sorely needed.

Be kind. Do good. Love is a verb.



  1. There is upheaval everywhere. Things will improve

  2. I couldn’t agree more! Love this so much!!❤️

  3. You read well, Holly, but you write even better! This is just wonderful ❤! You really should write more often and share your thoughts with us!
    Love ❤ you, Rosemary

  4. I still read blogs! And also love puzzles - I agree, puzzling people are generally pretty awesome.


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