Weekend Reflection...4/22

Looking outside...it's cloudy and overcast, but it's supposed to be dry. We'll see. We had rain yesterday.

Listening...to Witchy Woman by the Eagles.

Loving...that today is a stay at home day. After peopling all week, these kinds of days are my favorites.

Thinking...about the fact that we're electing idiots and religion has no place in politics. Honestly people, caring about others should not be difficult or political. Just be kind. 

Y'all believe in Jesus, right? He said to Love One Another. And most of you can't and won't do that. This world is OURS, not YOURS. You don't lose a piece of your pie or your rights when you support things that help people who aren't yourself. I swear Jesus could come back and none of you would recognize him or believe him when he tells you his name. He'd be so disappointed in how you represent him.

Do better. Truly. 

In my kitchen... I really should plan menus.

Wearing...red pajama pants, grey sweater, slippers. 

Hoping...for some reading time. Maybe some puzzle time, too.

Reading...Still reading Madly, Deeply: The Diaries of Alan Rickman this week. I'm enjoying it. But, it's one to savor and not race through.

Tonight...is movie night. Last week we watched Good Will Hunting. Neither one of us had ever seen it, but it had been on our list for years. And, oh my goodness, it was fantastic. I think it's one of my favorite Robin Williams roles. His comedy is brilliant, but his dramatic roles are unparalleled. He was amazing. Honestly, I was blown away by the entire thing. So, so good. The writing was absolutely on par. I love a film that makes you think and stays with you.

The two Oscars it received were well deserved: Best Screenplay for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, and Best Supporting Actor for Robin Williams.

Feeling...that I'm too tired. America feels very dystopian, right now. Maybe I should reread The Hunger Games series. At least that has Peeta. And a sweet epilogue.

Planning...this next week.

Gratitude...for words. And word games, and books. And reading and writing. Words have immense power.

From my world... 
More signs of Spring.
Pansies in the window box on my porch.

What about you? What are you reflecting on this week? How has your week gone?
