Weekend Reflections 8/12

Looking outside...it's sunny. It's supposed to be hot. We've had some mild weather this week and I have absolutely loved it. Cocoa loves to be outside, but wants one of us with her and I've enjoyed sitting on my swing in the shade.

Listening...I've had Sigh No More Ladies from Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, in my head for a few days. The Kenneth Branagh film from 1993. It is so good. So good. And holds up all these years later. 

Today...grocery pick-up this morning. The Artist is working and the Boy is over here, working on his project car with The Doctor and I am probably canning mixed-berry jelly. I have half a jar left from last year and my aunt is bring berries over today. 

She grows it. I process it. We share. It's a good system.

I've done tomatoes, salsa, and jalapeƱo pepper jelly so far this summer.

Thinking...that I'm not sure I have anything to say. We'll see what comes out as I write.

In my kitchen...toast and cold brew. Maybe take-out tonight.

Wearing...cute black pajamas.

Hoping...for a kinder world. Ripples matter. Be kind. Do good. Make a difference. Love is a verb.

Reading...I read Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir last weekend. Absolutely fantastic. My review goes up on Monday.

Tonight...maybe movie night. We haven't done that in awhile.


The whole film is perfect and I can quote all of Beatrice's lines. I took Shakespeare in college and I love that films are made to show us his brilliance.

Feeling...some days it feels like we're living in some strange alternate reality. Politically, it seems as if we are going back in time; rights are being lost, people don't matter, and fascists are winning.

Florida now is banning Shakespeare. Really? Honestly Florida, if any of your radicals could even read Shakespeare they wouldn't understand a word of it because it's not in simple sentences. But don't ever watch or read Much Ado About Nothing. It has, wait for it, sexual content and humor. OMG. Not that any of your radicals would ever recognize it though.

The entire world is laughing at you and your dipshit of a governor. And they're laughing at the rest of us for that matter, because America is imploding, but yay! No one in Florida will even recognize the greatness that is William Shakespeare, because its subtleties are way beyond the levels of first years.

You extremists can't handle women like Beatrice anyway. Thank goodness so many of us are standing up and saying, we have rights and we won't settle for what you want for us.

And the rest of you? For the love of anything holy, please vote for intelligent people in your next elections. People who care about others, not their own hypocritical self-interests. 

Planning...we are getting away to the coast for our 27th anniversary this fall and I can't wait.

Gratitude...for iced coffee, air conditioning, grocery pick-up, and take-out. Seriously. Pick-up and take-out are the best.

From my world... 

Found these at the store last weekend. Oh. My. Goodness. They are divine.

What about you? What are you reflecting on this week? How has your week gone?
