I am not currently accepting books for review. Thank you for thinking of me and best of luck to you!
I’m not a professional book reviewer by any means. I just like to read and I figured it would be fun to keep track of the books I’ve read and how I felt about them. If this makes you want to read or not want to read a particular book, so be it. I’m fairly opinionated and if you agree or disagree with a review, go ahead and comment. I won’t argue and I won’t bash, but I love a good discussion. And, if you dissent, I’m curious as to why…
I do not guarantee a positive review, but I promise to be honest. I work very hard at posting reviews when I say I will, but life often happens and so do book review delays, so please be aware of that.
My time is valuable and I prefer reading for enjoyment, not obligation, so I've also become fairly selective about what books I will accept for review:
- I am selective about self-published books. I applaud and commend you for writing and publishing yourself. But, please go through an editing process with a professional. Every book needs editing and proofing. Every book. There are small presses that will work with you to make your book better and more polished. Please find one.
- I don't like books that contain excessive profanity or explicit sex scenes: neither one ever improves a story and will negatively affect my review, so please don't ask me to read your book if you write like that.
- I don't particularly like dystopian novels. The Hunger Games was a surprising exception.
- I don't love thrillers.
- I'm very selective about YA.
- Paranormal is not my thing.
- I don't read erotica.
- If it falls under any of the above categories, your request will be deleted. All that shows me is that you didn't really read my review policy.
- I try to respond to all inquiries. If I can't accept a book for review but it still interests me, I can usually offer a spotlight or preview post.
- If you have a thin skin and can't handle negative reviews, don't ask me to review your book. I try very hard to be fair and kind in my reviews, but if I don't like your book, for whatever reason, I will say so. I will not, however, criticize you as a person. Please don't try and persuade me in the comments section or send your friends over to promote your book and tell me why I'm wrong in not liking it. It's very unprofessional.
If I review/spotlight your book because you asked me to, you need to help share/tweet the post regularly, at least for that week. I will do the same. This help expands your audience as well as mine and gives your book more visibility.
Book bloggers are not simply your everyday reader. You might be surprised at the reach and influence we have. A thank you or a comment on the post is appreciated, but sharing and retweeting is important too. It benefits both of us.
Book bloggers are not simply your everyday reader. You might be surprised at the reach and influence we have. A thank you or a comment on the post is appreciated, but sharing and retweeting is important too. It benefits both of us.