Weekend Reflection...5/6

Looking outside...it's cloudy. It was 90 last Sunday and yesterday our high was 55 with rain.
Listening...to Little Goodbyes by SHeDAISY.
Today...working on the sprinklers. And laundry. Always laundry.
Thinking...about nothing significant. Honestly. No rants. No commentary. No real thoughts. It's not worth it today. My brain is tired.
So today, please just do something kind for someone. Make a positive difference somewhere.
In my kitchen...a chocolate croissant and cold brew. We got Little Miss a puppachino yesterday and The Doctor got the chocolate croissant for me to have this morning. He's so thoughtful like that and I am grateful.
Wearing...black pajamas.
Hoping...for some puzzle time, maybe. I haven't done one in a while. I may also just nap.
Reading...wild embers: poems of rebellion, fire, and beauty by Nikita Gill. It's beautiful.
Tonight...is movie night. Last week we watched The Woman in Gold. Wow. So good. Ryan Reynolds is always charming and Helen Mirren is unmatched in everything she does and she was amazing here. The entire cast was terrific. I loved the juxtaposition of past and present. I had no idea it was based on a true story. Absolutely worth a watch.
Quoting...this just resonated with me this week. 

Dark Days

On the darkest days,
I look at the stars,
and marvel at
the patchwork of time
staring back at me.

Not a single burst of starlight is the same age.
some of these stars
are born billions of years apart,
yet travel through time together
making this beautiful piece of art.

Sometime, somewhere,
these stars have already encountered
a better version of me
on her best day looking up at them
and thanking them for helping me see.
Nikita Gill

that I am so very tired. When you're an introvert and you people all week, it's exhausting. Healthcare is exhausting. When you're deconstructing and working on your emotional healing, it's exhausting. 
So, today, I have nothing to say. And no energy to say it with. 
Have you ever been bone weary? That's where I am today. Everything is too loud, too hard, and takes too much effort. So, I'm going to do very little this weekend. I am very grateful that I am able to stop and pause. I will spend some time outside on my swing and enjoy the sounds of birds singing and bees buzzing.
Planning...this next week and a getaway.
Gratitude...for our dog. As challenging as she can sometimes be, she is pure love. Her name is Cocoa, but sometimes we call her Little Miss Sheldon. Why? Because she has a spot. A spot in the corner of the couch. And if someone is sitting there or something is in the way, she is not happy until you have moved person or thing. If she could talk, she would absolutely say, "You're sitting in my spot." And, like Sheldon's friends, we accommodate her.
From my world... 

Same. Cocoa. Same.

What about you? What are you reflecting on this week? How has your week gone?
