Weekend Reflections 5/20

Looking outside...it's sunny. It's supposed to hit 92°. We have a lot of smoke from Canadian fires which is distorting my view of the mountains though.

Listening...to the washer, the dryer, and the distiller. It's a productive morning. The dog is barking at something.

Today...we are working on sprinklers.

Thinking...I sat on my swing last night with the Artist and we talked about different faiths and beliefs. He had a world religions class this semester and really enjoyed learning about different religions. We came to the conclusion that energy and intention are real. And that the best thing is to be kind, to do good things, and to make a difference. Because love is a verb. And if more people truly understood that, this world would be so different.

In my kitchen...toast with peanut butter and jelly and a cold brew.

Wearing...black shirt, floral tank.

Hoping...for some reading time. I didn't get much in this week.

Reading...I My review of Pigs Can't Look Up by Vincent D'Onofrio goes up Monday. It's a gorgeous picture book about kindness, love, and inclusion.

Tonight...possibly movie night. Last weekend we were in the mountains. Not sure what we might watch this evening.

Quoting...I can agree with all of this, actually:

Feeling...that sometimes this world feels like an episode of Punk'd and I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up and tell us it's all a joke.

Planning...this next week. Always. It's nice to have a plan. "Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan." (The Hunt for Red October)

Gratitude...for shade trees and my porch swing.

From my world... 

Random Godzilla vignette the Artist left on the kitchen table. These happen to be the consecutive character forms from Shin Godzilla. I find similar figure compositions all over my house. I love them.

What about you? What are you reflecting on this week? How has your week gone?
